Yup - Overconfident  

Posted by: Laura Delgado

I didn't get the writing job I thought I had pretty well in the bag. Oh, well. I'm still going to produce the materials on my own. It's a blessing in disguise (or not even in disguise). I have so many things on my plate right now. I finally made the move to create a new, TOS Homeschool Crew friendly blog here: http://myhomeschoolreviews.blogspot.com. I copied over some reviews and a couple of HOTM posts to make it look not quite so naked. I think it will suffice. In a couple of days I'll be able to add a review of The Secret of Zoom, the book I'm doing a lit unit for on edHelper - such a cute kids' book.

No Time for a Title  

Posted by: Laura Delgado in ,

Pressure. I don't understand enough about blog rolls, SEOs, blog design, etc. I must confess that what I care about is the writing. Now, though, since becoming a member of TOS's Homeschool Crew (yay!), I am suddenly overwhelmed by things I don't understand - things which have nothing to do with writing reviews. Writing reviews I can do (see below). In fact, right now I have more writing assignments than I can handle (pressure!). I have never been great at daily blog writing, though (okay, or weekly or monthly blog writing), because I am always writing for someone else. That's kind of the whole point of being a writer. I envy people who have beautiful, well thought out, updated blogs. I don't have one. In a few weeks, though, the Crew will get to my blog as they work their way through their blog walk...then I'll be found out for the blog fraud I am. I don't even have the skills to make a shamefaced smiley :-(

Okay. I've got it all out of my system. On other fronts, the kids are rocking their swimming lessons. I'm beyond excited about finalizing their curriculum (and I'm hacked that we have to take June off - can't really be helped with all this swimming). T is going to start Greek. I have almost completely decided to do the Bluedorn's program. It is mega-pricey, which is the only reason I haven't completely decided. I just found out yesterday that Memoria Press has a Greek program in the works. I wish I knew a timetable on that one. I'll do a curriculum update soon.

I've been writing on homeschooling gifted kids at Heart of the Matter Online. It's really helped me better to understand my own kids, especially N. Sadly, understanding does not lead to patience or better parenting. It seems that that is just something I am going to have to continue to pray for. Wait. No. I've learned the hard way: don't pray for patience! God will give you plenty of opportunities to learn it! Pray for the grace to accept what He sends you. Yes - now I just need to remember that...

I have so many other projects on the back burner that really need to come to the front burner. My Kindle book is dying to be written. My other blog has such promise, but it languishes. My website is waiting to be built. I have two projects that I think I could market through CurrClick, but when to create them? I was overconfident about a prospect with another company (a huge, well-known homeschool publisher) a few weeks ago, but I think that might have been a case of pride goeth before a non-starter. That's okay, though, because even if they don't want to publish this work, I still love what I created, and it's one of those that I think would sell on CurrClick. Now all I need are ten more hours in each day!

I think I have to make a decision. I think I may need to keep this blog just for me (and those few discerning readers who occasionally pop by), and, as I've said before, move the reviews and such to a new one for the Crew. Must consider...